hey hihello aiwaaahhh Dah boleh agak dah kut apa cerita post kali ini? Saja je buat tajuk cringe so tht korang tertanya-tanya. Asyik topic tentang education je, sekali-sekala kita tukar mood ok tak? I know i sometimes very noob to the blogging world but i have always been one who loves to read & write. I see myself as a storyteller, so im hoping this will keep my readers’ interest especially you all oke. I’d like feedback on my blog if anyone has the time feel free to comment especially those yang kenal saya. Before otak korg fikir lain, ini BUKAN CERITA CINTA. If confuse lagi, sila baca semula main title kat atas. This time kita try sentuh tentang lelaki? You guys OK tak? Takut ada yang tak OK je hahaha. Saya tak tahu nak label ni cerita or apa but for sure bukan cerita cinta ok but if nak tahu overall cerita, sila baca tanpa skip :') One day, secara tak sengaja saya terdengar ceramah tentang batas dan diri kita berlainan janti...