Only My Boredom Streak: What I learned in 2020 (STUDIES REFLECTION)

Tajihao ni hao. Lagi beberapa hari nak 2021. Looking back, I’m grateful for everything that happened in 2020 because it either taught me something about myself or the world. I started to pack up my things on March, 17 at ktdi college (a day before the MCO started) and went back to my hometown. And now, 2021 is near... What a year it has been. Does it scare anyone else how fast life is going? After dah duduk rumah and online classes for the whole year , I started to feel like my life was disappearing into a computer screen. I met so many cool people there 'IN SCREEN' tho and I realized that I can miss people I’ve never met in real life before. Lollll. Enough of my nonsense though. Let me focus on the things I want to focus on. So, apa yang saya belajar tahun ni? Banyak sebenarnya, tapi nak cakap tentang study dululah since benda ni yang saya buat dari PKP masatu hahahaaha ECN3221 (STATISTICAL ECONOMICS) ALHAMDULILLAH. Subject fav sebab pensyarah...