Helluuui & Assalamualaikum everyone, so today sis nak share notes MUTE. Notes yang akan sis provide adalah notes yang sis dapat masa sis nak ambil MUET dulu ya. Sis share di sini & credited to the owner notes ini (thankyou for helping us). But, based pada pengalaman, sis akan tambah and share pengalaman sis mana-mana yang patut okeyy. But today, just focus for speaking dulu. Next entry InsyaAllah sis beri tips untuk writing, reading & listening. 

Before that, nak jelaskan, MUET SPEAKING TEST ada 2 Task iaitu TASK A & TASK B. OKEY, PROCEED. 


🍁Every student will be given blank piece of A4 paper to write some notes (pastikan tulis sebanyak mungkin)
**but based pd pengalaman sis, sis tak banyak tulis pun, just tulis notes penting je sikit pun tak apa for you to speak time test nanti & catit serba sedikit isi penting yg candidates lain cakap**

🍁Try to think of at least 3 point with an  example each **at least 3 isi la but lebih lagi bagus**

🍁Take note of your friends idea when they are presenting so you can use it in TASK B
**Oke, camni, for Task A kena follow tajuk yang diberi. If you're a candidate A, so follow tajuk candidate A. But in Task B, you can discuss tajuk yg diberi randomly means that korang punya tajuk adalah umum yg semua org boleh beri pendapat tanpa mengikut turutan**

🍁The time given is 2 minutes speak until the examiner ring the bell 


Examples of question in Task A
Situation :- you live in the capital city of Malaysia and your friend is getting maried in Bangkok. A group of you would like to attend the wedding. Decide the best way to get there.
# All candidates will be given that situation. But the different is the question given
**okey, you get it right? means, for Task A, you need to follow the situation/title given kerana ni kiranya macam individual**

Example Task A Question (macam individual la diberi tajuk masing-masing):-

🍊candidates A :-
you suggest going by flight

🍊candidates B :-
you suggest going by car

🍊candidates C :-
you suggest going by train

🍊candidates D :-
you suggest going by bus

Candidates will be given 2 minutes to explain the question given.

Include 5 important element in your explanation :-

🥁Greetings **penting! Intro like 'Hello, i will start my first point blablabla in my opinion etc**
🥁Repeat situation from the question
🥁State the point given to you
🥁3 point with relevant explanation and examples
🥁Conclusion **normally part conclusion ni orang tak sempat conclude haha so don't worry if you tak sempat, you're not alone**

🛎Examples of greetings :-
1. Good morning to everyone
2. Good morning I bid to one and all
3. Good morning to the examiners and all candidates
4. A very good morning I wish to all examiners and fellow candidates

🔁How to repeat situation :-
1. Today we are talking about…..
2. The situation I have been given is……
3. According to the situation….
4. Based on the situation given…

📝How to state the point given :-
1. I would like to give 3 reasons for my point which is…
2. There are 3 reasons to support my point which is….
3. My point is………………. So to elaborate I would like to discuss 3 reasons.
4. I think that………….is the best idea.

📌3 points (explanation & examples) :-
1. Firstly, I think that….. this is because….. moreover…. For examples…..
2. Secondly, another reason is…. In addition…. For instance….
3. Finally, in my opinion…. Furthermore…….. a good example is…..
# kalau boleh… cari sebanyak mugkin kata hubung, pribahasa english

🔚Conclusion :-
1. In conclusion, this is the best point because….
2. To conclude, I still agree that….
3. In a nutshell, I feel that…..
4. In short, my idea is the best because…..

Its ok if👇🏻 :-

🗣You don’t speak on 3 points
🌸No penalty as long as you develop even one point well with good elaboration and examples. 
🌸The points we stress on is just for practise. **yes, but if korg blank at least kena ada 3 point sbb dikira markah juga**

🗣You don’t have a conclusion.
🌞No penalty but if you manage to do a conclusion **see? Sokay if u tak sempat  conclude**
🌞You will logically score higher because your presentation is more structured.
🌞All you have to do is talk non stop for two minutes


🛎Task B🛎
  (group discussion) **bebas beri pendapat**

Sebelum masuk bilik periksa pastikan :-
1. tentukan siapa yang akan mula brcakap untk discussion (kalau boleh orang yg lemah b.i. sbb intro senang)
2. tentukan siapa yg akan buat conclusion untk discussion.
3. tentukan samada ingin setuju atau x untk discussion.
4. Tahu candidates yang akan bersama kita.

How to agree the other candidates explanation :-
🍄I agree with you. (don’t use I’m agree)
🍄That’s a great idea!
🍄 I see your point!
🍄That’s an interesting perspective
🍄I like your suggestion
🍄I concur with your point of view

✔️How to disagree the other candidates explanation :-
🌸I’m sorry but I’m not disagree (don’t use I’m not agree)
🌸I’m afraid I have to disagree with your idea
🌸I don’t see eye too eye with you
🌸That’s not a good idea/suggestion
🌸I beg to differ

📣Interrupting (mencelah ketika kawan bercakap) :-
🍭Excuse me, may I’m interrupt please.
🍭I’d like to add something please
🍭May I say something?
🍭Could you please hear me out
🍭Pardon me but could I add something please.
#tunggu sehingga dibenarkan bercakap

(untuk membantu kawan yang senyap dpt markah) :-
🔥So what do you think, candidates x?
🔥How about your point of view?
🔥Candidates (A/B/C/D) are you agree with my point? How about your point?

Noted: Mereka hanya nak lihat kita berbual dan bercakap, as long you try untuk berikan idea, you tak perlu risau, at least you can get band 3 for MUET. Normally orang yang grammar berterabur pun akan dapat juga Band 3. Band 3 dah melayakkan awak untuk masuk university okey dont worry ;)) Actually MUET is macam kita berbual biasa je. Chill. 

Okey, if you have any questions please let me know. 
Feel free to contact me and good luck! <3


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